Monday 22 December 2014



Halo! Kali ini saya akan membahas UTAITE
Teman- teman tau tidak Utaite itu apa? 
Utaite adalah sebutan bagi orang-orang yang suka mengcover lagu Vocaloid, Anisong, ataupun Ost dari game dan anime-anime

Nah, sekarang saya hanya akan membahas Utaite favorit saya saja

1. Soraru (そらる)
    Suara khas Soraru adalah suara yang berat, sekaligus halus. Suara Soraru membuat saya sering fangirling. Suara khasnya membuat saya terpesona. Dia suka mengcover lagu vocaloid, sekaligus lagu anime. Lagu debut Soraru yang pertama adalah "Kimi no me wo" lagu ini sangat enak didengar. Dengan suara khasnya Soraru membuat lagu ini menjadi cocok dan memiliki arti yang cukup mendalam. Soraru juga bergabung dalam beberapa grup musik Utaite lainnya, diantaranya adalah Exit Tune Presents Ikemen Voice Paradise (5). 
Soraru real life

Soraru dalam tampilan MV

2. Mafumafu

   Mafumafu memiliki suara yang unik, karena dalam nyanyiannya mafumafu cendrung mengandung efek suara, suara mafumafu tekadang mirip seperti perempuan. Mafumafu memiliki suara yang tinggi untuk ukuran laki-laki. Suaranya juga sangat enak di dengar. Mafumafu sangat lucu dalam menyanyi, dengan suara khasnya itu mafumafu membuat saya cukup tak sabar ingin segera mencubitnya haha.
Mafumafu juga bergabung dalam grup Circle of  Friends seperti soraru, namun mafumafu bukan penyanyi inti.
Mafumafu real life

Mafumafu dalam mv
3. Amatsuki

   Amatsuki memiliki suara yang sangat imut (moe) umur Amatsuki sekitar 22 tahun. Amatsuki memiliki banyak fans termasuk saya. Suara imutnya ini sangat menggemaskan. Amatsuki merupakan penyanyi inti dari grup Circle of  Friends. Saya sangat menyukai Amatsuki, bisa dibilang dia Utaite pertama saya. Suara Amatsuki ini cocok didengar bagi anda yang menyukai suara cowo shota. Ciri khas Amatsuki adalah kacamata yang sering ia gunakan 

Amatsuki in real life

Amatsuki dalam mv
4. ShounenT

    ShounenT memiliki suara yang sangat halus dan lembut, dalam mengcover lagu-lagunya ia menggunakan aransemen gitar yang ia ciptakan sendiri. ShounenT bisa dibilang cukup eksis karena sebelum menjadi Utaite, ShounenT mengawali karirnya sebagai penyanyi yang dikenal sebagai Tomohisa Sako. ShounenT juga memiliki album yang cukup banyak dan pernah berkolaborasi dengan Soraru 

ShounenT in real Life

ShounenT dalam MV
*To Be Continue*



Hello! This time I will discuss UTAITE
Guys, did you know what is Utaite?
Utaite is a term for people who like to cover Vocaloid song, Anisong, or Ost of games and anime

Well, now I will discuss my favorite  Utaite

1. Soraru (そ ら る)

Soraru distinctive voice is deep voice, and at once smooth voice. Soraru voice makes me often fangirling. His unique voice fascinated me. He likes to cover Vocaloid song, as well as anime songs. Soraru first debut song is "Kimi no me wo" This song is very catchy. With a unique voice makes this song really pleasant and have enough deep meaning. Soraru also joined several other Utaite music groups, including the Exit Tune Presents Ikemen Voice Paradise (5).
Soraru real life
Soraru dalam tampilan MV

2. Mafumafu

Mafumafu has a unique voice, as in singing mafumafu tends to contain sound effects, mafumafu voice sometimes just like women. Mafumafu has a high voice for the size of the male. His voice is also very good to hear. Mafumafu very funny in singing.
Mafumafu also join the group Circle of Friends as soraru, but he's not the core singer.
Mafumafu real life
Mafumafu dalam mv

3. Amatsuki

    Amatsuki has a very cute voice (moe) .Amatsuki is 22 years old. Amatsuki has many fans including me. His cute voice is very adorable. Amatsuki is a core singer of the group Circle of Friends. I really liked Amatsuki, you could say he was my first Utaite. Amatsuki voice is really suitable for those of you who like shota voice. Characteristic of Amatsuki are glasses that he often used
Amatsuki in real life
Amatsuki dalam mv
4. ShounenT

ShounenT has a voice that is very soft and smooth, he ussually uses the guitar arrangements that he created himself for cover song. ShounenT can be arguably quite since before becoming Utaite, ShounenT started his career as a singer known as Tomohisa Sako. ShounenT also have enough lot of albums and has collaborated with Soraru
ShounenT in real Life
ShounenT dalam MV
*To Be Continue*

Sunday 14 December 2014

World Trigger

World Trigger

World Trigger menceritakan tentang keadaan bumi yang berubah sejak kedatangan makhluk dari negri lain yang disebut Neighbor, mereka menculik manusia untuk dijadikan tentara di negri mereka. Maka dibentuklah agen border yaitu para tentara khusus yang melindungi manusia dari ancaman border,mereka menggunakan senjata canggih dari alien. Dengan senjata tersebut neighbor dapat dikalahkan dengan mudah. Neighbor hanya muncul di sekitar markas border karena trion terdapat banyak disana, trion merupakan kumpulan energi manusia yang diincar Neighbor. 
Mikumo Osamu seorang murid SMA kelas 2 merupakan agen border pada awalnya ia merahasiakan bahwa dirinya seorang agen border namun, semua berubah saat ia bertemu Kuga Yuma, iya mengaku bahwa dirinya seorang Neighbor. Ternyata Kuga benar merupakan Neighbor yang memiliki tujuan khusus yaitu bertemu dengan seorang kenalan ayahnya di markas border, ayah kuga sebenarnya sudah meninggal oleh karena itu iya pergi ke jepang. 
Setelah pertemuan Osamu dengan Kuga, Neighbor menyerang sekolah Osamu secara mendadak, karena Osamu tidak bisa  tinggal diam maka Osamu memutuskan menggunakan triggernya dan menyerang Neighbor, setelah menyerang dengan menghabiskan cukup banyak trion Kuga pun membantu Osamu dan menggunakan trigger Osamu. Sekolah Osamu pun selamat, dan rahasia Osamu sebagai agen border terungkap. Namun, Osamu merasa bersalah karena bukan dia yang sepenuhnya menyelamatkan sekolah dan teman-temannya, melainkan Kuga. Kuga pun mengaku bahwa dia diselamatkan Osamu. Setelah kejadian tersebut banyak hal yang terjadi. Kuga ternyata mempunyai Triggernya sendiri, yaitu Black Trigger yang memiliki kemampuan diatas trigger biasa. 

Menurut saya anime ini cukup menarik dan asik untuk ditonton,namun kekurangannya terdapat pada gaya gambarannya. Sehingga orang yang belum menontonnya akan kurang tertarik, padahal anime ini memiliki cerita yang keren. Bagi anda penggemar anime-anime yang berasal dari para mangaka Shonen Jump anda harus menonton anime ini!

Akashi Sawada

World Trigger

World Trigger tells about the state of the earth has changed since the arrival of beings from another country called Neighbor, they abduct humans to be soldiers in their country. Then formed a border agent that special troops who protect humanity from the threat of the border, they use sophisticated weapons of aliens. With these weapons can be defeated easily neighbor. Neighbor only appear around the headquarters of the border because there is a lot there trion, trion is a collection of human energy that is targeted Neighbor.
Mikumo Osamu a second grade high school student is a border agent at first he conceal that he was an agent of the border however, that all changed when he met Kuga Yuma, Kuga admitted that he was a Neighbor. It turns out that a true Kuga Neighbor who has the specific purpose of meeting with an acquaintance of his father at the headquarters of the border, the father is already dead Kuga therefore yes go to japan.
After meeting with the Kuga Osamu, Osamu school Neighbor sudden attack, because can not stay silent Osamu Osamu then decided to use triggernya and attack Neighbor, after attacking with spending quite a lot of trion Kuga also help trigger Osamu Osamu and use. Osamu school was saved, and secrets revealed Osamu as a border agent. However, Osamu felt guilty because she had not completely save the school and friends, but the Kuga. Kuga also admitted that he saved Osamu. After the incident a lot going on. Kuga Triggernya turns out to have its own, namely Black Trigger which has the ability above the usual triggers.

I think this anime is quite interesting and cool to watch, but there are shortcomings in the style of the picture. So people who have not watched it will be less interested, but this anime has a cool story. For you fans of anime anime from the Shonen Jump manga you should watch this anime!

Akashi Sawada
From left to right
Jin Yuichi, Amatori Chika, Kuga Yuma,Mikumo Osamu

Zankyou no Terror

Oh God i really love this anime  cause this anime can make me moved and i almost cry

Zankyou no Terror ( Terror in Tokyo)
Review by : Akashi Sawada 

This anime tells about two youth, Nine and Twelve they dont have real name cause in the past they were the guinea for create syndrome. finally they terrorized Tokyo. everyone thought they were crazy terrorists , in each of his terror they display their videos with the puzzle so that the police can stop the bomb. In their first terror, Lisa one of the students in the school they are trapped in terror and nine offer "what do you want to live or die, if you want to live then you should be our allies" Lisa chose to live and become their allies although quite difficult recognition of nine. Twelve is really easy going person, he has cute face too, he wat admit Lisa, and he always help Lisa and cheer her up when Nine saying something bad to her. after the third terror came the five, she is a guinea pig as well as Nine and Twelve. Nine and Twelve managed to escape from the trials while five chose to stay where it is and finish "the game" five emerged as an FBI agent who tried to capture the nine, five have a huge obsession for capturing nine (I think more towards love haha).When nine and twelve terrorize the airport, five trapping them but nine and twelve managed to escape from the trap of five with the help of Lisa. But Lisa's face so known by five, and Lisa feels guilty. Lisa was run away from nine and twelve place, but she was unfortunate because he was held hostage by five. twelve tried to rescue Lisa, Lisa found with many bombs all over him and threatening Five to twelve, so he tells the location of the first atomic bomb dicuru by twelve and nine, so that the bomb did not explode lisa body. Twelve tell the location of the atomic bomb and the bomb in the body eventually lisa did not explode. Nine had taken the precaution and managed to secure the bomb first. And Nine handed himself into police. Nine gave herself with a specific purpose, he also set up so that the atomic bomb detonates Japan if their wishes are not fulfilled. Nine desire is to carry out a press konfersi. But when will conduct a press conference to come and stop Five Nine, Nine severely injured as a result of the chase between him and Five. Twelve who helped rescue the injured and was unconscious for a long time. Five died from the effects of the experiments that shorten their lifespan. Nine actually did not intend to blow up the bomb but due to the Five bombs he could not stop. The bomb finally exploded, but bo exploded away in the sky with balloons flown. Tokyo is not destroyed just experiencing electromagnetic waves. After the blast Nine and Twelve invite Lisa to their hometown is where their trial. There they met with detectives who managed to solve the puzzle of their bombs. During the meeting, nine menjelaska real goal, is that they are considered to live by everyone, because historically, they have not known nor cared about others. When all is clear the FBI came and shot twelve while Nine die anyway shortly after twelve died due to side effects of the experiment. Lisa just shocked to see it all.

A few of my review may be helpful, i'm really sorry if many spoilers.
left upper (Nine), right upper (Twelve), bottom left (five) bottom rigt (Lisa)
Akashi Sawada


Hello i will post it with dual langue 
1. Indonesia
2. English 

Pyscho Pass 

Merupakan sanime mengenai kehidupan manusisa dimasa depan yang diatur oleh sebuah sistem yaitu Sybil sitem. Mulai dari pekerjaan, kegiatan sehari-hari, maupun psycho pass seseorang. Psycho pass merupakan tingkatan koefisien kejahatan . Apabila tingkatan koefisien kejahatan anda melebihi 100 maka mau tak mau orang tersebut harus menjadi sasaran tindakan hukum yang ditembaki oleh dorminator. Jika tingkatan koefisien seseorang rendah maka orang tersebut hanya mendapat efek samping pingsan, namun, jika tingkatan koefisien kejahatan seseorang telah lebih dari 300 maka orang itu akan diberikan hukuman mati dengan ditembaki dorminator mode eleminator. Hanya dengan sekali tembak orang tersebut akan hancur lebur.
Tokoh utama dari anime ini adalah Akane Tsunemori, seorang inspektur. Dalam sekuel pertamanya Akane diceritakan sebagai asisten inspektur, yang bertugas menindak hukum para pelaku kejahatan yang tingkat koefisien kejahatannya melebihi batas normal. Pada sekuel pertamanya juga dikenalkan para enforcer yaitu kumpulan orang yang memiliki tingkat koefisien kejahatan yang tinggi namun bekerja pada kepolisian, mereka bersedia mengabdi untuk melindungi inspektur dan melindungi sistem sybil. Sekuel pertama sendiri memfokuskan pada pengejaran Makishima Shougo, yaitu pembunuh sadis yang psycho pass nya tetap bersih. Akane, dan para enforcer berusaha mengejar Shougo. Jumlah episode pada sekuel pertama ini 22 episode.

Psycho Pass kini sedang ditayangkan pada sekuel keduanya yang pada minggu depan nanti tamat.
Pada sekuel kedua ini tidak terlalu berbeda dengan sekuel sebelumnya, namun lebih menantang menurut saya karena terdapat adegan dimana Akane mengalami tekanan yang amat sangat besar, namun ia tetap bisa menjaga psycho pass nya tetap bersih, danpada sekuel kedua ini menurut saya lebih menegangkan, namun kekurangannya adalah episodenya yang terlalu sedikit untuk sebuah anime yang keren dan memiliki art yang unik. Serta saya sendiri cukup bingung karena pada sekuel pertama salah satu rekan Akane, yaitu Kogami kabur menninggalkan sistem sybil, lalu keberadaan Kogami sama sekali tidak dibahas di sekuel kedua ini. Jumlah episode dari sekuel kedua ini 11 episode. 

Saya menyarankan anda untuk menonton anime ini karena anime ini sangat menarik dan memiliki adegan aksi yang sangat mendebarkan, meskipun pada sekuel kedua tidak terlalu banyak.

Akashi Sawada  

Production I.G, PSYCHO-PASS, Shougo Makishima, Shinya Kougami, Magazine Page
Makishima Shougo (left) Kogami (right)

Psycho Pass

Hello i will post it with dual langue 
1. Indonesia 
2. English 

Pyscho Pass Is sanime about human future life governed by a system that is Sybil system. Starting from work, daily activities, as well as psycho pass someone. Psycho pass a coefficient levels of crime. If your crime coefficient levels exceeding 100 then inevitably the person should be the target of legal action that pinned down by dorminator. If the level is low, the coefficient of someone that just got a faint side effects, however, if the level of the coefficient of crime a person has more than 300 and it shall be given the death penalty with pinned dorminator eleminator mode. Only with a single firing that person would be destroyed. The main character of this anime is Akane Tsukimori, an inspector. In the first sequel Akane told as an assistant inspector, who served legal action against the perpetrators of the crime rate coefficient exceeds normal limits. In the first sequel also introduced the enforcer is a collection of people who have a high crime rate coefficient, but work on the police, they are willing to serve to protect inspectors and protect sybil system. The first sequel has been focusing on the pursuit Makishima Shougo, namely sadistic psycho killer pass it remains clean. Akane, and the enforcer trying to catch Shougo. The number of episodes in this first sequel 22 episodes. Psycho Pass now being aired on the second sequel in the next weeks later graduated. In the second sequel is not too different from the previous sequel, but more challenging to me because there is a scene where Akane experiencing extremely great pressure, but he still could keep his pass psycho kept clean, danpada this second sequel in my opinion is more stressful, but its shortcomings is the episode that is too little for a cool anime and has a unique art. As well as my own quite confused because the first sequel one Akane colleagues, namely Kogami fuzzy and left sybil system, then the existence Kogami not at all discussed in this second sequel. The number of episodes of this second sequel 11 episodes. I encourage you to watch this anime because this anime is very attractive and has a very thrilling action scenes, although the second sequel is not too much. Akashi Sawada

Akane Tsunemori


Yo! Hello everyone
long time i'm not write in my blog haha
I will use English/Japan/Indonesia langue in my blog
I decide to write anime review or utaite album here and many random stuff
I'm otaku, you must know this before i'm fujoshi and i like yaoi
and sometime i will post my art

To be honest you can contact me on
Instagram : @ellenapk
twitter       :@_Vongola11th_     : @Vongola11th